Frequently asked Questions:
Can I use Kaje on a site that does NOT use SSL (https)?
No. For security, Kaje requires that your website be SSL enabled.
Is the use of the Kaje Picture Password service free?
The Kaje Picture Password service is free for the first 10,000 successful proofs of knowledge.
Do I need to sign up for anything in order to implement Kaje on my site?
You will need to create a Requesting Party Admin account. Signing up is free and only requires a valid email address.
How do I implement Kaje on my site?
You can do it using our RESTful API or through one of our CMS plugins.
How secure are picture passwords?
Picture passwords have been shown to be more secure than other methods. For example, 3 Kaje picture password actions are equal in strength to 8 typed alphanumeric-symbol characters.